Thursday, July 2, 2020

The A to Z of House Cleaning

The a to z of house cleaning

One word, well asides vegetables, that we dreaded hearing as children are the words house cleaning. That word seemed to open up wells of frustration our childish mind didn’t think was possible. We recall being grateful for after school activities and sports that took up space during the weekend because it meant most of the work would be done before we got home. Here we are years later getting excited over a vacuum cleaner sale at Target.

Truth is that we grow up realizing just how satisfying and essential a clean house is. With that said, house cleaning is only satisfying if done right and to know how to properly clean our living space, one needs to know the basics.

True to our generous nature of sharing knowledge, we have created a collection of the basics of house cleaning. We are going to cover the what, why, how, and when of house cleaning. By understanding the fundamentals, your cleaning game will never be the same. 

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What is House Cleaning?

House Cleaning isn’t just ensuring that your home isn’t dirty. It involves a complete cleaning of an environment to ensure that spaces are well organized and free of germs.

House cleaning aims to create a comfortable haven for yourself. It isn’t random every other day cleaning that we sometimes indulge in. Proper house cleaning takes time, effort, and planning.

This is because it goes beyond visible areas in the house to the crooks and crannies that dust and dirt tend to hide in. 

With house cleaning it is best to handle it properly otherwise you would end up revisiting chores you felt you had crossed off your list.

house cleaning schedule

Keep a cleaning schedule

When it comes to proper house cleaning, we have noticed that to achieve that all-round clean feel you need to schedule your cleaning.

Most of the time we advise creating a board in which the chores to be done are listed and assigning tasks to all parties involved (that is if you are lucky enough to be blessed with unpaid workers aka your children, living with you). 

If you live alone or your kids are already out of the nest, it’s time to roll up your sleeves for the task at hand.

A chore board makes it easier to see what is done, what needs to be done, and what you might be forgetting all in line with what you consider a top priority.

Essentials of proper house cleaning

If you really want to bring out the dirt fighting superpower in you, you have to be prepped with the right tools. These are items that you must have in your house to make your cleaning go on seamlessly.

vacuum, duspan & broom

Vacuum – there is much to say about vacuums but one cannot deny that they are effective in cleaning up carpet dirt. Some newer models scrub and vacuum your carpet, giving you a 2 for 1 cleaning deal.

Dustpan and broom – as amazing as vacuums are, there are corners of the walls that they can’t get into. This is when you go old school and sweep out the bits in corners vacuums can’t reach

eh maids vacuum
eh maids cleaning spray

disinfectant, sponges & clothes

Disinfectant spray – cleaning without disinfectant is just you spreading germs around your house. Before space can be considered clean, germs need to be killed off.

Sponges and microfiber clothes – countertop, bathroom, and shelf dirt don’t stand a chance when you have these tools. All you need is one of these, your spray, a little soap, and elbow grease to leave your tops clean and shiny as ever

Mops, Scrub Brush & foaming agents

Swiffer/ Mop sticks – we included the Swiffer because it does the job plus comes with cleaning sheets that can be attached to the mop. It is a win-win. Either way, once the floor has been swept, going over it with a mop cleans up any dried stain may have escaped the cleaning process.

Scrub brush and cleaning foaming agent – we cannot stress this enough. Have you really deep cleaned a space if you haven’t scrubbed a surface yet?

Scrubbing gets rid of all those stains that have been embedded in a surface for long periods. Plus there is something so relaxing about seeing a previously grimy surface become clean and glint under the room light. With the right foaming agent, you won’t have to exert too much effort.

eh maids mop

Essentials of proper house cleaning

The essence of house cleaning is to provide a sanctuary that you can relax in and be comfortable all through but asides the result there are many more benefits to be gotten from a clean home. For example;

Great stress reliever: for some reason, cleaning the bathroom seems appealing to us when we are in a foul mood. It probably has to do with the fact that we get to take out all our frustration on items that won’t fight back and leave us with good results. Either way, we always tend to feel better after a deep cleaning round.

People can come over anytime: you have probably been put in a situation where you have to hurriedly tidy up when someone tells you they are coming over. Honestly, that sort of cleaning 9 out of 10 times is just you throwing things in closets and hoping no one notices. Spoiler alert, they always notice. If house cleaning is a part of you, your house will always be dirt free and you won’t have to feel embarrassed about your space.

The post The A to Z of House Cleaning appeared first on Eh! Maids.


Reasons to Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

The post Reasons to Hire a Professional Cleaning Service appeared first on Eh! Maids . source